
The following categories define unacceptable conduct. Augustana University does not attempt to define every unacceptable action by formal rules and regulations. 在没有具体规定的情况下, students are expected to use common sense and to act in humane, mature and responsible ways both on and off the University campus.

学术诚信 is vital to the academic classroom at Augustana University because it involves the search for and acquisition of knowledge and understanding. Any willful misrepresentation of the relation between the work being evaluated and the student’s actual state of knowledge is a violation of the 荣誉准则.

学生被发现违反了 荣誉准则 policy may not withdraw 从 the class in which the violation occurred.

攻击 is any conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of a person by acts that are painful, 有害的, 令人生畏的, 侮辱性的或冒犯性的. This includes any willful attempt or threat to inflict physical or emotional harm, 明显有能力实施该行为的.

不诚实 包括但不限于欺骗, knowingly furnishing false information to university officials, 伪造, and misuse of university documents or instruments of identification with intent to defraud.

不雅的,猥亵的行为 or expression either in or on university-owned or controlled property or at university-sponsored functions.

破坏性的行为 is any action that intentionally obstructs teaching, 研究, 政府, 纪律程序, 行动自由, and other lawful activities on the campus and at university-sponsored events. Augustana University will not permit any individual or group 从 inside or outside the campus to violate the personal or civil rights of others or to obstruct the normal life and functions of the University through the use of force, 暴力, 或者阻碍行为. The University believes that 暴力 in any form, 无论如何, 在任何情况下, is an intolerable and an illegitimate means of expression.

药物. The University prohibits the use, possession, distribution, or sale of drugs (i.e. 迷幻剂, 毒品, 兴奋剂, and depressants) which are illegal except when prescribed by a physician. The possession of drug-related paraphernalia such as bongs and pipes are a violation of South Dakota law and are prohibited. This policy is in accordance with state and federal laws including the 1989年《12bet中文官方平台》. A violation of this policy is also subject to state and federal laws and will be referred to law enforcement officials.

医疗大赦 – The University believes that the importance of seeking medical assistance when faced with an alcohol or drug related emergency far outweighs the consequences of a university policy violation. No student seeking medical assistance for themselves or for another will be subject to disciplinary action for the sole violation of an alcohol or other drug violation provided the student acts in good faith and cooperates with university officials.

不遵守规定 with directives of university officials (or their designates) or law enforcement officers acting in the performance of their duties.

骚扰. The interference with the personal dignity or liberty of others, including any act of domination over others which may lead to physical injury, 恐吓, 或者被禁止羞辱. Examples of harassment include but are not limited to physical or emotional abuse such as hazing, 跟踪, 诽谤或恐吓. 骚扰 may be communicated through other persons or through the use of electronic devices such as computers or telephones.

校外行为.  在的场合, activities of students result in violation of the law, 在这种情况下, university officials shall be prepared to apprise students of source(s) of legal counsel and may offer other assistance. Augustana University has a vital interest in the character of its students and considers any off-campus behavior to be a reflection of a student’s character and his/her fitness to be a member of the student body. 像这样, the University may choose to conduct disciplinary proceedings and impose sanctions in response to grave misconduct which demonstrates flagrant disregard for the campus community. The University’s action shall be independent of civil or criminal proceedings pending in State or Federal Court.

盗窃 从, 损害, or malicious misuse of university-owned or controlled property or the property of any member or guest of the University community is prohibited. 

未经授权进入 into or exit 从 university-owned or controlled facilities by unauthorized persons.

武器. Firearms, air guns, sling shots, bows, knives with blades over 6 inches in length, etc. are prohibited on university property and at university-sponsored activities in off-campus settings. A stor年龄 locker is provided for the stor年龄 of hunting weapons in the 校园安全办事处.